Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog Post #9

      The advertisement I chose as being very powerful is the risque Burger King ad at left. The picture is overtly sexual, and as if that isn't enough, the caption below, claiming the sandwich will "Blow your mind" only adds to the raciness. It most certainly captures ones attention, and is very unforgettable.
      Obviously the advertising appeal that this ad makes use of is an affiliation with sex. Using sexual images and themes in advertising has prooven itself effective, and is always guaranteed to be the subject of controversy and debate. Typically, people will respond the most to sexual or risque advertisements, which are often the most memorable for pushing the envelope. Therefore, the advertisers achieve their goal.
      This Burger King advertisement caused an uproar when it came out not too long ago. Many claimed it to be too inappropriate. The sandwich is at mouth level, seemingly floating in mid-air, with a female staring wide-eyed and, of course, open-mouthed. The words "It'll Blow" are in a larger font than the rest of the caption; a clever way to once again reinforce the idea of a sexual parallel. As controversial as some ads may be, the sexual imagery in them will always accomplish their goal of capturing ones attention. After all, sex sells!

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